Making the Most of the WCSF Happiness Bar

Happiness bars are a common feature at WordCamps, and WCSF is no different. A happiness bar is a place where you can go to talk to WordPress experts about your website. We’re lucky at WCSF to have so many WordPress experts from across the community so if you’re having problems with your website it’s a great opportunity to get some advice.

What Type of Questions Should I Ask?

You can ask any sort of WordPress question you like, but if you want to make the most of those experts’ brains it’s best to have a think beforehand about what sort of assistance you need. Here are some things you could ask about:

  • concerned about your website’s security? Ask for advice on how to make your website more secure.
  • if your website is running slowly, ask for some advice on performance that can get things moving again.
  • sick of your website’s theme? Ask the experts for recommendations of places to find well-coded, well-supported themes.
  • if you’re just thinking about setting up a website, you could ask whether or WordPress is better suited to your needs.
  • if you’re getting a lot of error messages, ask our experts to fix your site and learn how to do it while you watch.
  • get advice on CSS customizations and design tweaks on your website.

Feel free to ask whatever questions you wish, but please be respectful of other attendees. If a queue starts to form, make sure that other people have the chance to ask their questions too.

Whatever WordPress help you need, the folks at the Happiness Bar are there to help. It’s like the support forums, but live!