Thank you to our Telegraph Hill Sponsors

Helping WordPress enthusiasts connect and get inspired to do more with WordPress is what WordCamp is all about, and without our sponsors we just couldn’t make that happen. Please join us in thanking our Telegraph Hill sponsors!


Started in 2008 as 3 WordPress enthusiasts who met online, from 3 different countries, WooThemes is now an international team of designers, developers and support ninjas catering for a passionate community of hundreds of thousands of users.

WP Engine

WP Engine is a leading SaaS content management platform for websites and applications built on WordPress. The company powers thousands of websites and apps built on the WordPress platform delivering a fast, reliable and secure web experience. Founded in 2010, WP Engine is headquartered in Austin, Texas and has offices in San Francisco, California.


Flywheel is a managed WordPress hosting platform built specifically for designers and creative agencies. Flywheel can make it simple to build, launch, and manage client sites with its easy-to-use dashboard built from the ground up for the modern web designer.

InMotion Hosting

InMotion Hosting was established in 2001 and currently serves over 250,000 websites with customers all over the world. They currently offer shared, VPS, reseller, dedicated, and commercial class servers and focus on tuning their servers to have an optimal WordPress experience.